Dynamic Quantitative Economics (MWiWi 2.8) and International Macroeconomics and Globalization (MWiWi 2.5)
General Information
The module MWiWi 2.8 (Dynamic Quantitative Economics) and the module MWiWi 2.5 (International Macroeconomics and Globalization) are identical in terms of contents and take place at the same time in the same room.
You can obtain credits either for MWiWi 2.8 or MWiWi 2.5 (your choice), but not both.
Exempt are students who have already registered before the winter semester 2023/2024 for the first time for at least one of the exams for "MWiWi 2.5" or "MWiWi 2.8". So, if you have not yet written an exam in one of the two modules, you may only take one of the two modules, as the contents of the two modules have been combined (as said, you can choose whether you obtain credits for MWiWi 2.8 or MWiWi 2.5).
Course Information
There are few economic questions to which the answer is not a number.
This course offers a comprehensive and up-to-date treatment of analytical and numerical tools for analyzing dynamic economic problems quantitatively. We show how dynamic economic theories can be evaluated quantitatively and how dynamic models can be used as laboratories for policy analysis. The course combines theoretical foundations and practical applications. It bridges the traditional gap between theoretical and empirical research and offers an integrated framework for studying applied problems in macroeconomics, microeconomics, labor economics, and finance.
We cover a variety of core economic topics including the study of business cycles, economic growth, fiscal and monetary policy, and labor markets.
You have to complete this course first before studying "Economics of Market Imperfections" (MWiWi 2.16).
Course Prerequisites
Formally none. Students should have taken an intermediate macroeconomics and microeconomics course. Knowledge of univariate calculus and basic statistics will be assumed. All mathematical and statistical tools needed for this course will be reviewed.
Time and Venue
Mon, 12-2pm (M.14.25)
Wed, 10-12am (new room: O.07.26 Hörsaal 21)
Wed, 12-2pm (new room: O.07.26 Hörsaal 21)
It is strongly recommended to attend all three weekly meetings.
First meeting: Wednesday, April 9
Please sign up for the Moodle course if you plan to study the module.