What is your study profile?

The relevant seminar takes place: Friday, 2-6pm (M.12.25)

Preliminary meeting dates are (subject to change): 12.04.,19.04., 26.04., 03.05., 10.05., 14.06., 05.07., 12.07.

Additional meetings (tba) for individual supervision.

The topics for the seminar can be related to the module "Dynamic Quantitative Economics" (MWiWi 2.8), but other topics are also possible (e.g., from macroeconomics, labor economics, climate economics,...). The individual topics will be assigned by arrangement.

Registration:  Fill out the form „InterestedInSeminar_Juessen“ (using the computer) (.pdf or .doc) and send it to juessen[at]wiwi.uni-wuppertal.de. The form is provided below.

Deadline:  25.03.2024

Most seminar sessions take place in the first half of the lecture period on the following weekly dates:

  • Monday, 12-2pm (M.14.25)
  • Wednesday, 10-12am (N.11.16)
  • Wednesday, 12-14pm (N.11.16)

Precise meeting dates are (subject to change):

  • 15.04., 17.04.
  • 22.04., 24.04.
  • 29.04.
  • 06.05., 08.05.
  • 13.05., 15.05.
  • 27.05., 29.05.

Additional meetings:

  • Individual supervision meetings (tba)
  • Presentations (tba)
  • And: See the additional offer mentioned below under "Remarks"


  • The seminar sessions in the first half of the lecture period take place at the same time and in the same room as the module MWiWi 2.8 "Dynamic Quantitative Economics". You will therefore attend the first weeks of this module (these are the meeting dates given above). In these sessions, you will learn common content-related and methodological foundations. You will then write an individual seminar paper on this basis. The exact topics will be discussed and assigned in the meetings.
  • Additional offer: If you are interested in an introduction to scientific writing, we recommend that you also attend the first sessions of the seminar listed in the first study profile, in particular you may consider participating in the additional meetings (Fridays, 14-18 Uhr, M.12.25):
    • 12.04. (!!! takes place before the first meeting of this seminar on 15.04.)
    • 19.04.,
    • 26.04.,
    • 03.05.
  • On these dates, we offer some lectures on scientific work in the other seminar (writing style, citations, word processing software, ...). You are invited to participate!

Registration:  Fill out the form „InterestedInSeminar_Juessen“ (using the computer) (.pdf or .doc) and send it to juessen[at]wiwi.uni-wuppertal.de. The form is provided below.

Deadline:  25.03.2024

This is not recommended.

If you would still like to study this way, please send an email to juessen[at]wiwi.uni-wuppertal.de. Please briefly state reasons for your study plan.

The relevant seminar takes place: Friday, 2-6pm (M.12.25)

Meeting dates are (subject to change): 12.04., 19.04., 26.04., 03.05., 10.05., 14.06., 5.07., 12.07.

Remarks: If you are no longer in Germany at the dates for the presentations (the last two dates mentioned above), we will find another arrangement for your presentation.

Registration:  Fill out the form „InterestedInSeminar_Juessen“ (using the computer) (.pdf or .doc) and send it to juessen[at]wiwi.uni-wuppertal.de. The form is provided below.

Deadline: Ideally until 25.03.2024, at the latest by 01.04.2024

The registration form for seminars can be found here:

Form as pdf document (.pdf)

Form as word document (.docx)

In addition, please sign up for the respective Moodle course if you plan to participate in a seminar (not password protected yet).

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