Proseminar in International Economics – "Gender Gaps: Extent, Trends and Explanations" (BWiWi 7.1)

This is a proseminar with a focus on economics (not management). The literature is all in English. The course language
is English. The seminar paper can be written in German or English (presentation also in German or English).

The awarding of the Nobel Prize to Claudia Goldin in 2023 underlines the importance of understanding women's labormarket
outcomes. Her extensive body of work has significantly advanced our knowledge about the development of
female labor supply patterns, careers, and the gender wage gap. In this proseminar, we investigate remaining gender
gaps, in particular

  • the role of the family as a catalyst for gender gaps,
  • child penalties on labor market participation,
  • gender identity norms,
  • conflicting demands of career and family,
  • gender differences in wage negotiations
  • and labor supply of men and women in general

Students learn how to write scientific documents and gain experience in working with scientific literature. We address
questions such as:

  • What are the requirements when writing scientifically?
  • How do I develop a topic for a seminar paper?
  • How is a seminar paper structured? How do I write academic texts? (writing style, do's and don'ts)
  • How can I find scientific literature? How do I cite correctly?
  • How do I present a seminar paper?
  • How do I use a professional word processing software (LaTeX) to create scientific documents?

Die Anmeldung zu den Proseminaren erfolgt auschließlich in StudiLöwe (Veranstaltungsnummer: WIR000001), nicht über den Lehrstuhl.


Eröffnungssitzung: 11.04.
Termine wissenschaftliches Arbeiten: 11.04, 18.04., 25.04., 09.05.
Termin Supervision Meeting: 06.06.
Termine Vorträge: 04.07., 11.07.

Zeit und Raum: Freitags, 14-18 Uhr, Raum tba