Master Seminar

It is recommended to have completed "Dynamic Quantitative Economics" (MWiWi 2.8) or "International Macroeconomics and Globalization" (MWiWi 2.5) before taking this seminar.

In this seminar, you can obtain seminar credits for either "Dynamic Quantitative Economics" (MWiWi 2.8) or "International Macroeconomics and Globalization" (MWiWi 2.5) (or for any other Master module formerly offered by Prof. Welfens).

If you are interested in participating in a Master seminar, please write an email to (using your BUW email address).

I will then put you on my mailing list.

The deadline (binding!) for getting in contact with me when you are interested in a Master seminar is: September 20, 2024.