Prof. Dr. Falko Jüßen

Raum: K.12.13
Tel.: +49 202 439 5113
E-Mail: juessen[at]
Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail
Research interests:
Gender and Family Economics
Labor Economics
Decomposing Gender Wage Gaps - A Family Economics Perspective,
with Dorothée Averkamp and Christian Bredemeier,
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 126(1), 3-37, 2024.
Accounting for Limited Commitment between Spouses when Estimating Labor-Supply Elasticities,
with Christian Bredemeier and Jan Gravert,
Review of Economic Dynamics, 51, 547-578, 2023.
Bringing Back the Jobs Lost to Covid-19: The Role of Fiscal Policy,
with Christian Bredemeier and Roland Winkler,
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 55(7), 1703-1747, 2023.
Coverage: VoxEU
Oekonomenstimme (auf deutsch)
Bringing Back the Jobs Lost to Covid-19: The Role of Fiscal Policy,
with Christian Bredemeier and Roland Winkler,
Covid Economics: Vetted and Real-Time Papers, 29, 99-140, 2020.
Coverage: VoxEU
Oekonomenstimme (auf deutsch)
Sectoral Employment Eects of State Fiscal Relief: Evidence from the Great Recession,
with Christian Bredemeier and Roland Winkler,
Macroeconomic Dynamics, 27(4), 998-1018, 2023.
Why Are Fiscal Multipliers Moderate Even Under Monetary Accommodation?
with Christian Bredemeier and Andreas Schabert,
European Economic Review, 141, 2022.
Fiscal Policy and Occupational Employment Dynamics,
with Christian Bredemeier and Roland Winkler,
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 52(6), 1527-1563, 2020.
Estimating labor supply elasticities with joint borrowing constraints of couples,
with Christian Bredemeier and Jan Gravert,
Journal of Labor Economics, 37(4), 1215-1265.
Download Web Appendix
Man-cessions, Fiscal Policy, and the Gender Composition of Employment,
with Christian Bredemeier and Roland Winkler,
Economics Letters, 158, 73-76, 2017 Appendix
Happiness and the Persistence of Income Shocks,
with Christian Bayer,
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 7, 160-187, 2015.
Default Risk Premia on Government Bonds in a Quantitative Macroeconomic Model,
with Ludger Linnemann and Andreas Schabert,
Macroeconomic Dynamics, 20(1), 380-403, 2016
Exchange Rate Regimes and Fiscal Multipliers,
with Benjamin Born and Gernot Müller,
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 37(2), 446-465, 2013.
The Life-Cycle and the Business-Cycle of Wage Risk: A Cross-Country Comparison,
with Christian Bayer,
Economics Letters, 117(3), 831-833, 2012.
Assortative Mating and Female Labor Supply,
with Christian Bredemeier,
Journal of Labor Economics, 31, 603-631, 2013.
Markups and Fiscal Transmission in a Panel of OECD countries,
with Ludger Linnemann,
Journal of Macroeconomics, 34(3), 674–686, 2012.
On the Dynamics of Interstate Migration: Migration Costs and Self-Selection,
with Christian Bayer,
Review of Economic Dynamics, 15(3), 377-401, 2012.
A Distribution Dynamics Approach to Regional GDP Convergence in Unified Germany,
Empirical Economics, 37(3), 627-652, 2009.
Convergence in West German Regional Unemployment Rates,
with Christian Bayer,
German Economic Review, 8, 510-535, 2007.
Interregional Risk Sharing and Fiscal Redistribution,
Papers in Regional Science, 85(2), 235-255, 2006.
Household Chores, Taxes, and the Labor-Supply Elasticities of Women and Men,
with Dorothée Averkamp and Christian Bredemeier, 2024.